Tonight I stopped by the local watering hole for a tray of pizza (yes, we call it a tray around here, get over it). I've been to this bar a few times for take out and it was always a few old guys talking sports and politics, just like every corner bar. The bar was always a cloud of smoke, but without them, the bar would be empty. So I thought. Tonight it was crowded, with like young people. The reason... NO SMOKING! Man... I hope they start delivering soon

What's the deal with today's youth? Perhaps it's the fact that their preferred music all stems from the Mickey Mouse Club (Justin, Britney, X-Tina, etc.,). And now they worship "rock stars" like the Jonas Brothers who make it a point to showcase their virginity with purity rings. Youth is definitely wasted on the young. Where are the drugs, one-night stands, etc.,? At the time, I hated growing up in the 80's, what with hair-metal and everything, but now I look back fondly upon the late 80's as a time when young men and women instinctively knew that if it was 7 0'clock - then it was time for the party...
Wow... a London Quireboys reference. We may be the only two people on this earth who know what the hell you are talking about (wooo hoo hoo)
I am glad that you can't smoke in bars anymore. This law was LONG overdue
Bite me!
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